Sunday, 4 October 2009

Carry on Caching in Holmfirth


So, what do you do when you are trying to get a cache in the middle of a very very busy place on a Saturday afternoon when you are 45 miles as the crow flies from home. Do you decide that its too busy to complete and carry on with the next caches, or do you pretend that you are completely mad and carry on regardless.

For me and my caching companion Greta from the Bignall Boppers, we carried on regardless. Unfortunately neither of us are of a height where we find caches hidden on signs easy. I suppose if you are tall, reaching up for a nano is all in a days work but being no taller than 5', planning and rather a lot of stupidity comes in. This particular cache was hidden on a sign and the only way to retrieve this was to climb the pole...and that is exactly what I did. Easy I hear you say..well yes it was but the embarrassment factor makes it a hell of a lot harder. Like I said, a busy village, which is famous due to a popular programme filmed there and located right next to the main road by the side of the traffic lights.

The retrieval was the easy part, replacing it was a completely different matter as the magnet was no longer in place. Instead it was wedged inside a hole on the side of the pole which is there to site extra signs. So not only did I have to get it in the hole, I needed to wedge it somehow, all with 1 hand as the other was white knuckled and holding on with dear life. Luckily I was also being held up with a hand on my bottom...well it was near norridge bottom so in for a penny in for a pound!

Did I get spotted...more than likely but what the hell, I never saw anyone looking at me strangely, I was too busy with my happy hobby!

Is Autumn finally here??

After we had attended the Derbyshire Crafty Cachers meet at Hartington in Derbyshire, we trotted off to complete a few of the local caches. Some were still awaiting publication but others had been on our to do list for quite sometime. A couple of the caches were in Beresford Dale. We had walked this a few years previously and I recognised the area immediately, more than likely because the river had burst its banks and we had to wade through a field which was under water to continue our walk along to Milldale. I really love this area and although it gets so busy in the summer months, the autumn days seem to be strictly for serious walkers only and is really peaceful. I think I was more interested in taking photos today rather than the caching as I was trying out new settings on the DSLR. The colours are so striking in Autumn, I was hoping to recapture this in picture and I think I finally succeeded today.

Beresford Dale in the Peak District

So with masses of images taken on the camera and a few caches bagged today turned out to be a really successful day for me. Certainly for me its not all about the numbers anymore, although having a few high number days really does make you feel good, but this is what caching is all about. I love it