Well I had so many good intentions of being really really organised for going away this time, but as always it ends up as lastminute.com.
Now it really is my fault. I had spent a couple of evenings getting my laptop upto scratch and had loaded all my favourite geocaching programs onto it. There were only 2 problems with it.
1. Knackered battery - But this I managed to over come by use of an inverter in the car. Problem solved
2. No internet access -
So this resulted in a trip to carphone warehouse with all good intentions of buying myself a pay as you go mobile internet dongle but if you're anything like me, you can't resist something new.
So to cut a long story short, I ended up coming out of the store with not only a dongle, but a new netbook which was free with the contract, which actually is only about a tenner more than I would have been paying for PAYG. So you tell me....just how could I resist.
Next was get it home, after completing a local cache of course...oh with my new netbook still in its box, which was suprisingly good to lean on to sign a log sheet. I then had to start the process of uploading all of my stuff to it.
Mmmmmm 7 hours later I can gladly but very frustratedly report that it is now complete. Silly old me wanted this very small little gadget that would go in my rucksack and didn't even think about how I was going to get the software onto the damn thing. All I can say is thank you Dad...we certainly got there in the end after a lot of words unrepeatable for this blog. We ended up doing it by using our external hard drive and if those companies are going to try to stop us copying from one laptop to another...then think again....We did it!!!!
We even learnt tonight how to create a route on GC.com and now have them all uploaded to our trusy GPSr's and Nuvi.
So am I excited.....OOOOOOOO YES I AM!!!!
6 years ago
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