Sunday, 15 November 2009

So much to little time

It's getting to the point where I'm not only missing my blogging but also my caching. It's that time of year when there seems to be so little time to get anything done in the day. I had this feeling that a part of my life was missing as I had not blogged for what has seemed like ages. Mundane life has taken over, work and home life have become really busy leading up to Christmas and as a result my hobby has taken a back seat. I wouldn't mind but this is something that I really love to do and getting out in the fresh air really does exhilarate me so I think I need to prioritise a few things in life. But should the DIY take over my love for the outdoors. I know it shouldn't but some things just need to be done.

It's quite an amusing thing for me really as a woman is not normally considered to excel at DIY and jobs around the house. I love it and I'm good at it!!! My Dad taught me well and is always there to help me along. I suppose thats where I got my attitude for the oudoors, the respect for the ever changing  and the beauty. We have recently as a family really started taking the art of photography really seriously. My Dad has an ace camera so since my trusty point and shoot was put into retirement he has lent me his first DSLR. More recently he bought my Mum her first DSLR and kindly gave me his old one. Its given me a new lease of life in the world of photography and I have been steadily learning how to use my new toy. I still consider myself a novice in the area but am proud of some of the shots that I have taken. I uploaded them to my computer and really couldn't make them any better. I'm learning to use packages to manipulate the photos and some of them I have done as brilliant job. Others I seem to have had the luck and the perfect eye to take amazing pictures. Is it beginners luck I wonder?

So although I want to get back out and do some caching, I have many many things to keep me busy. To me caching is so not about numbers anymore but capturing the beauty of places even if it is in a town centre. I can alway find some interesting photos to take and thats what makes it so good for me.

Although going out with my family is amazing, I find myself seeking  the company of the many other interesting people that enjoy this hobby, I have converted many of my reluctant friends who once took the micky out of me for my strange hobby of tupperware hunting but still would like the opportunity of getting to know others  with the same interest as me.